NVC, created by Marshall Rosenberg, is a great approach to build empathy and improve relationships with others. I am personally interested in creating games inspired by NVC principles, which is why I...
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Algebra is so intimidating and non-intuitive for many students that I felt the urge to look at available algebra board games that could help understand and practice equations or functions. So what...
Action verb board & card games can help to learn action verbs in the classroom by practicing them in actual sentence constructions (with the correct time, person...). And Bingos are also a great...
Lately, board games that are designed to manage anger issues have been on my radar. Many children and teens struggle with anger management and how to deal with anger in a positive way. There are...
Card games can be a great way to teach empathy to kids at home or at school. Understanding how other people feel is an important life skill. I made this post to guide you through the possibilities. ...
14 Empathy Card Games for Grown-ups, Businesses, And Organizations
I could not resist making a post on Empathy card games, as it is such a fascinating trend. I hope you will share my enthusiasm for the 14 games I recommend that trigger truthful conversations and...